We Are Expert in Social Media Maintenance

Nowadays, influences and celebrities are doing such a great job of staying in the public eye through social media that they have become role models for businesses. As a business, your strategy needs to be so strong and efficient that it does not let the consumers forget about you. Do you know how many other companies or brands and selling the same service as you? Probably hundreds. They are all online and it is very easy for your consumer to get distracted. Social Media maintenance allows you to retain your loyal customers.

Complete The Business Page

All social media channels now have an option for creating a business profile. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram make it very easy for you to give the customers all the details about your business. Make sure to fill in the whole form, giving your customers everything they need to know about your company. Nothing in the form should be left unfilled unless you do not have anything to put in there.

If your profile appears carelessly-built, it will create a bad impression on the audience and they will most probably leave. Do not leave anything blank on your profile page. Fill in your contact information, address, payment methods if applicable, and website. You can also connect all your profiles on different social media channels. For example, if you have a YouTube channel for your brand, you can post the links for all other social media accounts in the description. For your Linkedin account, you can connect all other accounts and even use the B2B social media marketing strategy to strengthen your place in the industry.

Make It Attractive

It takes about 7 seconds for someone to create an impression of you. This is the same time your audience will take to get an impression of your page or your business. This is why you should add engaging photos on your social media accounts. Even if you are selling a service, try to use people in your photos rather than just graphically designed text. People tend to engage better if they see humans in pictures.

When someone comes to your Instagram profile, they can see the whole grid. If your profile is laid out nicely and is following a theme, the visitor has a higher likelihood of staying. Construction of social media accounts is the easier part; maintaining it is where the toil goes. You have to think about posting every picture and make sure that it is in alignment with the rest of your profile.

No Typos!

The reason why people these days are so obsessed with social media is that everything on there is perfect. If the audience is looking for perfection, you need to give them perfection. Keep your posts brief yet informative, and do not make spelling or grammar errors. Always proofread your posts before pressing the Post button. If you have errors in your posts, it will not reflect well on your professional or business credibility.

Follow The Theme

Every business has its own theme. Your business will also have a theme. For example, you might be a brand with funky designs and bright colors in your logo. On the other hand, you could be a brand with a monotonous color scheme and sleek fonts in the logo. No matter what theme you are following, stick to it on all social media platforms.

If you have linked your social media accounts to your website, the audience should feel like they are still in the same space when they click on those links. All the content and media of your social media profiles should give the same message as your overall brand does.

Stay Relevant

Whichever industry you are working it, you have to stay relevant. Nowadays, if you fall behind, you are left behind. People are always looking for something newer and more interesting. Therefore, you need to stay relevant and stay interesting. Post content related to your niche so that every post of yours does not have to be a sale pitch.

Creativity for The Win

One mistake that many companies make in social media maintenance is that they follow what everyone else is doing. If you look like every other social media page, why would people follow you? You have to give them something that they cannot find on any other page. Some companies make their brand distinctive by posting creative stories while others hold giveaways and collaborations with influencers to make their page interesting.

Here at InnoTechsol, we take social network maintenance quite seriously but we also like to have fun. Being adventurous is the way to go as people are looking for something fun. We make your social media profiles attractive by using creative videos, holding contests, and much more. When people see something creative, they share it on their stories or profile and this is a form of free advertisement for you. Thus, creativity does not only keep your existing customers interested in your business but also stretches out your reach to more people.

Keep Your Information Updated

If you have been in the business for a while, your information might have changed over the years. Make sure to update the new address and contact details on your social media page. For example, if you have made a new website or another social media account, add these links to your existing profiles. By keeping your profiles updated, you give your audience a chance to connect with you. Nothing tarnishes your company image more than a customer calling on one of your older numbers that are still on the website and getting no answer in response.

At InnoTechsol, we ensure that you have to pay a minimal social media maintenance cost so that you can invest that money in other components of your business. In this time and age, no company should compromise on their social media strategy due to high social media maintenance pricing. This is why we offer budget-friendly offers for startup and pro-level businesses.




  • 2 Unique Logo Concepts
  • 1 Revision
  • File Formats: Ai,Eps,Png,Psd,Jpeg,Tiff
  • 100% Satisfaction
  • 100% Money Back guarantee
  • Estimated Time 2 Days
  • ---
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  • 4 Unique Logo Concepts
  • 5 Revisions
  • Different Colors Option
  • File Formats: Ai,Eps,Png,Psd,Jpeg,Tiff
  • 100% Satisfaction
  • 100% Money Back guarantee
  • Estimated Time 3 Day
  • ---
  • ---
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  • 7 Unique Logo Concepts
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Stationery Design (Ready For Printing)
  • Email Signature Design
  • Icon Design
  • Different Colors Options
  • File Formats: Ai,Eps,Png,Psd,Jpeg,Tiff
  • 100% Satisfaction
  • 100% Money Back guarantee
  • Estimated Time 4 Days


  • 20 FaceBook and Instagram Posts/month
  • 2 FaceBook Covers/month
  • 3 Boost Posts/month
  • Post Shearing/month
  • ---
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  • 30 FaceBook and Instagram Posts/month
  • 4 FaceBook Covers/month
  • 5 Boost Posts/month
  • Post Shearing/month
  • Customer Engagement Campaigns/month
  • ---
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  • ---
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  • 3 Complete Stationary Layouts
  • 3 Business Card Concept
  • 3 Letterhead Concept
  • 3 Envelope Design
  • Icon Design
  • MS Letter Head Design
  • Fax Template
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • File Formats: Ai,Eps,Png,Psd,Jpeg,Tiff
  • 30 FaceBook and Instagram Posts/month
  • 3 FaceBook Covers/month
  • 1 video animation/month
  • 5 Boost Posts/month
  • Estimated Time 4 Days For Desinging Items
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